[Error] Method: GET
[Error] URL: /v1/databases/:databaseId/collections/:collectionId/documents
[Error] Type: PDOException
[Error] Message: Unknown column 'table_main.assignedToCategories' in 'field list'
[Error] File: @swoole-src/library/core/Database/PDOStatementProxy.php
[Error] Line: 62
assignedToCategories is relationship
Relationship do not support queries at this moment 🥹
similar query works for different collections
As isn't officially supported I can't tell you why sometimes works and other don't, there not documentation, I have just saw this post related to Query.select(): https://discord.com/channels/564160730845151244/1096309125979320382
I don't know if that can be helpful
Error using relationship parameter name in select query
[CLOSED] Error using relationship parameter name in select query
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