
How to deploy Appwrite on Google Cloud Run?

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Vishal Lohar
8 Sep, 2023, 03:00

Hi, I wanted to deploy appwrite on Google Cloud Run and not sure how can I do it. There are no docs available for it. Also, according to you, which is the best solution for Appwrite - Google VM or Cloud Run?

User wants to know how to deploy Appwrite on Google Cloud Run and asks for the best solution between Google VM and Cloud Run. Suggestions are given to consider other options like DigitalOcean, Linode, and Hetzner. There are no specific instructions available for deploying Appwrite on Google Cloud Run.
8 Sep, 2023, 03:02

From what you can see here using Google Cloud run for Dcoker Compose production going be pretty tricky, If by Google VM you mean this then yes, that would be your best solution.

Vishal Lohar
8 Sep, 2023, 03:04

Okay, Got it. I will deploy it on Google VM. And if there is any other better solution available then please let me know

8 Sep, 2023, 03:06

There are a lot Google VM (or AWS or Azure) are pretty expensive solutions because of the very-wide solution they are providing. I would recommend you'll check

  • DigitalOcean [supports installing Appwrite with one click]
  • Linode (now Akamai) [supports installing Appwrite with one click]
  • Hetzner the cheapest (and fastest imo)
Vishal Lohar
8 Sep, 2023, 03:06

Yes, I know. I actually have $2000 in credits valid for 2 years. So that's why Google Cloud

8 Sep, 2023, 03:07

Ohh sounds perfect


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