
[SOLVED] Setting up github integration 1.4.2

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8 Sep, 2023, 02:58

When setting up the github integration I've followed the provided instructions in the docs and got everything setup but when I try and to the connection it seems to work but never shows the connection in settings.

Issue: Setting up GitHub integration on a new project does not work Solution: - Make sure that the GitHub app is set to public. - Click "Save" after the app is redirected to your GitHub account. - Check if the GitHub integration works on another project. - Ensure that the callback URLs are in the correct order. - Add the IP to the IP allow list. - Verify that the correct domain is used instead of the IP address. - Review the provided solution in the logs and implement it if applicable.
8 Sep, 2023, 03:00

I'm seeing this error in the logs

8 Sep, 2023, 03:02

These are my callback urls

8 Sep, 2023, 03:03

In the logs it seems like you've access that part from your IP instead of the domain?

8 Sep, 2023, 03:04

Also earlier today that was the solution

8 Sep, 2023, 03:08

I've added the IP to the IP allow list and still get the same problem

8 Sep, 2023, 03:12

I had the wrong order for callback URLs.

8 Sep, 2023, 03:12

[SOLVED] Setting up github integration 1.4.2

8 Sep, 2023, 03:12

Now it works?

8 Sep, 2023, 03:12


8 Sep, 2023, 03:12


12 Sep, 2023, 02:43

Sorry to revive this one but I was able to get the GitHub integration working fine on one project but when I’ve made a new project the GitHub integration does not work on that new one. I shouldn’t have to make a new GitHub application for each project should I?

12 Sep, 2023, 02:59

You need to make sure your GitHub app is public.

12 Sep, 2023, 03:06

It should be public, it works fine for another project. But on this project when I click the GitHub button it just takes my to my GitHub profile page for applications

12 Sep, 2023, 03:16

Can you go to the GitHub settings for the app and go to the advanced section?

12 Sep, 2023, 13:20

It was public I guess what I was missing was I had to click save once it went to my account. I just assumed it would automatically redirect or something. Sorry for being so ignorant.

12 Sep, 2023, 14:38

ah yes


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