Trying to user teams.createMembership (appwrite.js), I am trying to send an invite to my gmail but it is failing stating the email is invalid
AppwriteException: Invalid email: Value must be a valid email address
[Error] Method: POST
[Error] URL: /v1/teams/:teamId/memberships
[Error] Type: Utopia\Exception
[Error] Message: Invalid email: Value must be a valid email address
[Error] File: /usr/src/code/vendor/utopia-php/framework/src/App.php
[Error] Line: 742```
My Code:
```.teams.createMembership('client', '', roles, `${Server.baseURL}/invite/${companyId}?tkn=${authToken}`)```
the email is 100% a valid email, any insight on this?
- what sdk?
- what sdk version?
- what appwrite version?
appwrite.js "appwrite": "^11.0.0", 1.4.0
look at the function signature:
okay, order is different than what is in the docs
that helps, thank you!
@Steven new issue, It is telling me the team id does not exist:
AppwriteException: Team with the requested ID could not be found.
POST https://[REDACTED]/v1/teams/client/memberships 404
is the user in the team? is the user an owner in the team? Probably not considering that members count is 0 👀
derp. thanks
Okay, I am in the team now, how to i give myself permissions to send invitations?
The member needs to have role owner
ugh, i set it to "Owner" with a capital O.
as always. thanks for your help Steven
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