I was getting the above error while trying to update database from server code I also included: *the key *the project ID *the document ID *the database ID *the collection ID
can you show network payload once?
also the code please?
minusFromDb() async {
AppWriteLogic appwriteData = AppWriteLogic();
Future result = appwriteData.databases.updateDocument(
databaseId: appwriteData.databaseID.toString(),
collectionId: appwriteData.walletBalanceCollectionID.toString(),
// documentId: walletDocumentID.toString(),
documentId: "wallet_data_${userID}",
data: {"current_wallet_balance": 100},
result.then((response) {
}).catchError((error) {
Where are you running this from?
Dart cloud function @Steven
What is AppwriteLogic
and appwriteEndpointProjectID()
Appwrite class for holding my necessary details and functions
Please share the code
But is it healthy to use a frontend API?
String endpoint = "http://localhost/v1";
String projectId = 'project id';
String variablesKey =
"key from console";
String walletBalanceCollectionID = "wallet balance collection";
String databaseID = "database id";
// create account, function instance
Databases databases = Databases(client);
Functions functions = Functions(client);
late Account account;
// Functions functions = Functions(client);
// pass in secret data
appwriteEndpointProjectID() {
.setEndpoint(endpoint) // Your API Endpoint
.setProject(projectId) // ID
.setSelfSigned(status: true)
account = Account(client);
the values is qoutes were changed before posting for security reasons
Where's client initialized?
Also, your endpoint could be the problem. You can't use localhost because the function would connect to itself instead of Appwrite
It was, I didn't copy that part
It was initialized outside, since I can't initialize and use it in the class top level area at same time
oooo, it supposed to be the appwrite cloud url
what a mistake
That should work
what was that?
it's not a local instance of appwrite
Right...so what's your problem now?
I think it's sorted, but 8 need to try when next my laptop is turned on
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After refreshing the app it is working perfectly