
Do we have an ETA on the final version of Relationships & other issues?

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  • Databases
23 Aug, 2023, 19:05

I am really enjoying what you guys are doing here, but at the moment building a more complex query method isn't very great. I am hoping on seeing some features in the near future. I was testing a lot last year with Appwrite, but never came to a production software with Appwrite yet.

These 2 issues are important to have to aquire a good replacement for software like Strapi, etc. And the new relationships are awesome, maybe it can solve multiple pending issues.

User is enjoying using Appwrite but finds the lack of complex query method problematic. They hope to see some features in the near future. They mention two specific issues: support for logical OR in queries and query an array attribute with an array of values. They believe having these features will make Appwrite a good replacement for software like Strapi. They also express excitement about the new relationships feature, hoping it can solve multiple pending issues. Solution: No solution mentioned in the post.

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