
Invalid Argument. No host specified in URI file

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  • Flutter
22 Aug, 2023, 07:38

I'm trying to create a user name and password in my Social Network app, and this keeps popping up.

class AppwriteConstants { static const String databaseID = '64df6c6d91........'; static const String projectID = '64df63.........'; static const String endPoint = 'http://My_Ip_Address/v1'; //static const String endPoint = 'http://localhost:80/v1'; }

I've tried both endPoint versions and i keep getting the same issue. Hope someone can help me!

The user is experiencing an "Invalid Argument" error related to the host not being specified in the URI file. They are unable to delete their Appwrite and are also facing issues with the Appwrite dashboard. They have confirmed that using the IP address and localhost 80 opens the dashboard on their browser. The user provides code snippets for the Appwrite client and account initialization, but the client code is not formatted properly. They are using port 80 and have tried both the IP address and localhost, but the issue persists. Solution: The user should ensure that the host is properly specified in the `AppwriteConstants` file. They
22 Aug, 2023, 10:02

can you show how do you intialise the client?

22 Aug, 2023, 10:03

using port 80 or anything else?

22 Aug, 2023, 10:21

import 'package:appwrite/appwrite.dart'; import 'package:appwrite/models.dart' as models; import 'package:communify_app/core/core.dart'; import 'package:communify_app/core/providers.dart'; import 'package:flutter_riverpod/flutter_riverpod.dart'; import 'package:fpdart/fpdart.dart';

final authAPIProvider = Provider((ref) { final account =; return AuthAPI(account: account); });

abstract class IAuthAPI { FutureEither<models.User> signUp({ required String email, required String password, }); }

class AuthAPI implements IAuthAPI { final Account _account;

AuthAPI({required Account account}) : _account = account;

@override FutureEither<models.User> signUp({ required String email, required String password, }) async { try { final models.User createdUser = await _account.create( userId: ID.unique(), email: email, password: password); return right(createdUser); } on AppwriteException catch (e, stackTrace) { return left( Failure(e.message ?? 'An unexpected error occurred', stackTrace), ); } catch (e, stackTrace) { return left( Failure(e.toString(), stackTrace), ); } } }

22 Aug, 2023, 10:22

i used createdUser because the Appwrite updated their files and removed Account from models.dart

22 Aug, 2023, 10:23

This is fine, I want to see the client code, how did you initalized the client object? And how are you passing it to the Account class

22 Aug, 2023, 10:23

FYI, use three back ticks to format your code

22 Aug, 2023, 10:27

sorry about this.

22 Aug, 2023, 10:43

i've got an appwrite_client.dart file

22 Aug, 2023, 10:43

import 'package:appwrite/appwrite.dart'; import 'package:communify_app/constants/appwrite_constants.dart';

class AppwriteClient { static late Client _client; static late Account account;

static void initialize() { _client = Client(); _client .setEndpoint(AppwriteConstants.endPoint) .setProject(AppwriteConstants.projectID);

account =
    Account(_client); // Initializing the account instance with the client.


static Client get client => _client; }

22 Aug, 2023, 10:48

just confirming again, did you install appwrite on port 80? on localhost? or there was another port used?

22 Aug, 2023, 10:49

on my local env, I usually use some other port like: static const String endPoint = 'http://localIpAddress:8990/v1';

22 Aug, 2023, 10:50

i installed it on 80

22 Aug, 2023, 10:50

localhost 80, yes correct

22 Aug, 2023, 10:51

does using http://localhost open appwrite's dashboard on your browser? Chrome, Safari?

22 Aug, 2023, 10:51

Yes it does.

22 Aug, 2023, 10:52

opens up Brave (chrome)

22 Aug, 2023, 10:53

even when i use my IP address, it opens up as well.

22 Aug, 2023, 11:09

using the ip works on phone's browser to open the dashboard?

22 Aug, 2023, 11:18

Yes it does.

22 Aug, 2023, 12:21

Im trying to delete my Appwrite to start over.

But that also is giving me issues. Lol.

&#97;&#x73;&#104;&#x40;&#x6c;&#105;&#103;&#104;&#x74;&#111;&#110;&#101;&#x2e;&#x69;&#111; role(users) missing scope (users.write)

22 Aug, 2023, 12:45

I think there is some issue with this code. I think your endpoint is not being set thus to this error. To confirm this , just add a breakpoint on whatever function you are executing (here signUp ig). And check for the value of host

23 Aug, 2023, 23:36

Btw, it's best to use 3 back ticks with multi-line code. See


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