
Testing TypeScript

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21 Aug, 2023, 08:19

We use TypeScript both on the front end and the server functions. We come from the world of Ruby on Rails and Clean Code development and are used to unit tests. So we implemented them here. too. However, it turned out that this involves a lot of manual mocking. While this works, it seems like a huge overhead which could be abstracted away if some kind of emulator for Appwrite would be provided. Is there any such implementation? I think of something like the Firebase Local Emulator Suite (see:

At the moment we use Vitest.

The user is looking for a way to test TypeScript in their application and is currently using Vitest. They mention that they are currently manually mocking a lot of things, which they find to be a huge overhead. They are wondering if there is an emulator for Appwrite that could help with this.
21 Aug, 2023, 14:10

you could spin up an appwrite instance to test against


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