
Create the first user using appwrite-cli or curl

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20 Aug, 2023, 12:42

I installed appwrite and appwrite-cli, I need to create a user, but I can't use the web interface to create it, only bash(appwrite-cli) and curl(REST API), but to create a user using appwrite-cli, I need to create a project(appwrite init project) to create a project, you need to log in, to log in, you need to create a user, it turns out a vicious circle. In general, the task is to install appwrite on a clean Linux system (done) and create a user, but without using the web interface. Please tell me how to do this, you can only use appwrite-cli and curl.

To create the first user using appwrite-cli or curl without using the web interface, you can follow these steps: 1. Install Appwrite on your Linux system using the tutorial provided in the message. 2. Once Appwrite is installed, open the console. 3. Use the appwrite-cli or curl to create a project with the command 'appwrite init project'. 4. Since creating a project requires you to log in, you can use the appwrite-cli or curl to create a user with the command 'appwrite users create'. 5. Provide the necessary user details like email and password when prompted. 6. After the user is
20 Aug, 2023, 13:10
20 Aug, 2023, 17:33

After you've install Appwrite use the console to create a user The option to create a user through the signup is available for one user Also, Check this


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