
I have array attribute in one collection , how i can add and delete any element in this attribute

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  • Android
19 Aug, 2023, 10:00

I have array attribute in one collection , how i can add and delete any element in this attribute with just one update call .

The user wants to know how to add and delete elements in an array attribute of a collection. The suggested solution is to fetch the document, manipulate the array as needed, and then update the document. Currently, it is not possible to achieve this with just one call, but there is a related issue on GitHub that may provide a solution in the future.
19 Aug, 2023, 10:52

It isn't possible with just one call, yet. For now, you need to fetch the document, manipulate the array as you want, and send it back.

19 Aug, 2023, 10:54

Related issue. Make sure to 👍

19 Aug, 2023, 11:03

for that we have to do 3 calls one by one

19 Aug, 2023, 11:06

first i will upload one document , then we will get that id , then we will get arrays documents and then add new id to this array , and then we have to update this

19 Aug, 2023, 12:27

yep so you do this:

  1. getDocument or listDocuments (with a query)
  2. change things in the array as needed
  3. updateDocument
19 Aug, 2023, 20:29
   2. get Document and get array
    3. add document id in this array 
   4.update document  
19 Aug, 2023, 20:30

what do you mean by this:

  1. save document and get id
19 Aug, 2023, 20:31

just fetch the document, get the attribute and update it as needed, then run updateDocument

20 Aug, 2023, 08:05

yes thats wht i do

20 Aug, 2023, 08:07

when i query any collections with Query.equal("name", ["id1","id3","id2"]) , is it possible that i will get all document in order according to this array i passed in query


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