
SOLVED: Update Document permissions fails: user_unauthorized

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Users
18 Aug, 2023, 16:30

Hi there, I want a user to update a Document he has read, update and delete permissions to. Now until he is the only one having any permissions this call works fine:

Document result = await databases!.updateDocument(
        databaseId: AppConstants.privateEventsDatabaseId,
        collectionId: AppConstants.eventsCollectionId,
        data: event.toJson(),
        permissions: event.appwritePermissions,

The method event.appwritePermissions creates a List<String> looking like this:

permissions = [

Which is the same I get from Appwrite.

Question is, why cant I update the permissions in this form?

The full error looks like this:

AppwriteException (AppwriteException: user_unauthorized, Permissions must be one of: (any, users, user:648ade3b69d58f61c640, user:648ade3b69d58f61c640/verified, users/verified) (401))
The user is trying to update document permissions in their app using the Appwrite SDK. They have a list of permissions in the form of `user:userID`, but they are getting a `user_unauthorized` error. The error message suggests that the permissions must be one of `(any, users, user:userID, user:userID/verified, users/verified)`. The user needs to modify their permissions list and use one of the allowable formats mentioned in the error message. Solution: Modify the permissions list to use one of the allowed formats mentioned in the error message, such as `users` or `user:userID`.
18 Aug, 2023, 16:32

A user can set permissions of a document to is own or users or any to set permission to other users you'll need to use the database server side SDK and you can do so using a function.

21 Aug, 2023, 06:51

Ah okay, I thought a user with write permissions could set the permissions of other users too

21 Aug, 2023, 07:03

SOLVED: Update Document permissions fails: user_unauthorized


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