
Delete Document Created By User

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  • Users
8 Aug, 2023, 07:35

How do I auto delete all documents created by user or any appwrite available api for that?

To delete all documents created by a user, you need to keep track of the user's documents and store their ID or a reference. Then, set up a scheduled task or background job to run at specific intervals or use a loop. Within this task, fetch the list of documents associated with the user and delete them one by one using the Appwrite API's "databasesDeleteDocument" method. If you'd like to have the option for bulk delete operations, you can upvote the feature request here:
8 Aug, 2023, 09:35
  • You need to keep track of the user's documents, which might involve storing the user's ID or a reference to their documents.
  • Set up a scheduled task or a background job that runs at specific intervals (e.g., daily or weekly) or maybe use a loop if there is no need for schedules. This task will fetch the list of documents associated with the user and delete them.
  • Using, you can delete them one by one

Please upvote this if you would like to see bulk delete operations:

9 Aug, 2023, 16:46

Okay @joeyouss

I'll check that out I appreciate you dearly


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