I have a self-hosted appwrite instance on a digital ocean droplet. I deleted the user that I created and now when I go to create a new one I get this error:
{"message":"The current user has been blocked. You can unblock the user from the Appwrite console.","code":401,"type":"user_blocked","version":"1.3.8"}
When I use a different browser and go to the console and try to create a new instance I get this error:
The current project has exceeded the maximum number of users. Please check your user limit in the Appwrite console.
How can I fix this?
Which user you've deleted?
A frontend user? or the console admin user?
Console admin user I believe
Edit your .env
to disabled
like so
Then run
docker compose down && docker compose up -d
And you should be able to create another user.
After you can set it it back to enabled
so no one else would be able to create another user
So is it just one user per account?
Is for the safety of your Appwrite
You can create unlimited number of users from the console.
But in most cases you would want to block the registration from the outside
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