
Sign in with Google and callback not triggered from browser

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  • Flutter
  • Accounts
Mosh Ontong
2 Aug, 2023, 04:44

I already cleaned and rebuilt the flutter app as well

The user is experiencing an issue with the sign in with Google and callback not being triggered from the browser. They have tested the Google sign in on a friend's device and it worked fine, suggesting the problem may be with their own device (which is old and operates on version 8.1.0). They request a recording or screenshot of the app to better understand the issue. They also mention that the project ID and credentials may be incorrect. There is no solution provided in the support thread.
2 Aug, 2023, 04:46

Do you use a physical device or an emulator? in emulator causes these problems

Mosh Ontong
2 Aug, 2023, 05:22


Mosh Ontong
2 Aug, 2023, 05:23

both still occur this problem

2 Aug, 2023, 05:27

helpme with the variable appwriteCallback

Mosh Ontong
2 Aug, 2023, 06:57


this is my callback

Mosh Ontong
2 Aug, 2023, 06:58

I put the appwriteCallback variable in this 3 flavor see at the manifestPlaceholders

Mosh Ontong
2 Aug, 2023, 06:58

is this a consider a bug on cloud side? @Steven

2 Aug, 2023, 16:11

nope. it works fine for others

Mosh Ontong
2 Aug, 2023, 17:05

I will going to back to this topic I will postponed this issue hehhehehe

2 Aug, 2023, 20:41

a video or image of how the screen looks could also help

2 Aug, 2023, 20:45

If you set the credentials to

2 Aug, 2023, 20:47

i would expect some sort of error if something in appwrite or google was configured incorrectly 🧐

2 Aug, 2023, 20:49

correct but gives few details to know the cause

2 Aug, 2023, 20:51

i think your project id is wrong here

Mosh Ontong
3 Aug, 2023, 00:24
Mosh Ontong
3 Aug, 2023, 00:24

this is the gmail account actually succefully created but yeah callback is still my problem

Mosh Ontong
3 Aug, 2023, 00:48
3 Aug, 2023, 01:08

yes...the production one looks wrong

3 Aug, 2023, 01:10

ah nvm. it's really hard to try and match the project ids up with screenshots πŸ˜‘

3 Aug, 2023, 01:12

this was wrong...

3 Aug, 2023, 01:18

can you maybe share a recording of what's going on in the app?

Mosh Ontong
3 Aug, 2023, 01:21

I understand the issue now. After I gave my friend the APK for testing, he reported that there were no bugs and the callbacks were correctly being redirected to his phone. This suggests that the problem might be with my physical device. The device I'm using is relatively old and operates on version 8.1.0, which could be the source of the issues I've been encountering. πŸ˜…

Mosh Ontong
3 Aug, 2023, 01:24

However, I am using the google_sign_in package before actually they use a native one like no need to go in browser, and this actually work fine if we have a native sign in for google

Mosh Ontong
3 Aug, 2023, 01:32

I just create another repo for testing purposes heheh


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