
[SOLVED] Delete anonymous user?

  • 0
  • Flutter
  • Web
  • Databases
  • Accounts
  • Functions
28 Jul, 2023, 05:59


I have a situation where after a user signs up in my Flutter Web App I send them an email with a link to verify it. If they get their email from another device other than the one used to sign up, they won't have a session. So in this case I create an anonymous session which is needed to run the cloud function which verifies the email. Now after testing I have a bunch of anonymous users, is there a way to delete these or am i going about this the totally wrong way. Thanks!


    useMemoized(() async {
      // Don't try to get session if initializing or authenticated
      if (auth == AuthStatus.initializing || auth == AuthStatus.authenticated) {

      try {
        /// Try to get session, if there is a current session then
        /// verify the email.
        await ref
            .getSession(sessionId: 'current');

        await _verifyEmail();
      } on AppwriteException catch (e) {

        /// There is no session. Create anon session so we can verify email.
        await _verifyEmail();
    }, [auth]);```
The user is trying to delete anonymous users created in their Flutter web app after signing up and receiving a verification email. They created an anonymous session to run a cloud function for email verification. However, they now have a bunch of anonymous users and are asking if there is a way to delete them. The user also included code for reference. Solution: The user does not need to create an anonymous session for email verification. They can use the "updateEmailVerification" endpoint without a session. Therefore, they can simply remove the code that creates an anonymous session.
28 Jul, 2023, 08:04

No, you're not supposed to create an anonymous session. They don't need a session to complete the email verification

28 Jul, 2023, 08:04

You also don't need a cloud function...

28 Jul, 2023, 15:30

I didn't explain correctly. I am not using the default way of email verification with appwrite. I am generating a custom email with logos etc. Thats why i had to use a function. When the user fills out the sign up form, I have a function that creates the account, then creates a user data document which will hold some other user info, then adds a verification document with a secret code, and lastly sends out the custom email with a link to verify.

When the user clicks a link something like This will bring them to a page that will first check that the secret and userid is a match in the verifications collection, then I use the updateEmailVerification endpoint to set them as verified.

Where i run into the issue is as i stated above, need a session to be able to run that function from the verifiy email page.

Hope that helps you to understand my logic.

28 Jul, 2023, 17:25

i see. and you're using an older version of appwrite?

28 Jul, 2023, 17:25

actually never mind. it doesn't quite matter

28 Jul, 2023, 17:26

you can set up a function to delete those anonymous users

28 Jul, 2023, 17:29

Thanks. Maybe run nightly or something like that. What would be your approach?

28 Jul, 2023, 17:33

I’m on v1.3.4. Is that the latest?

28 Jul, 2023, 17:43


28 Jul, 2023, 17:45

no the latest is 1.3.8. you need to create an anonymous user? can't you grant everyone access to the function?

28 Jul, 2023, 17:47

Oh. I can change to ‘’any’’ and that should work.

28 Jul, 2023, 17:47

I’ll report back

29 Jul, 2023, 01:01

That solution worked.

29 Jul, 2023, 01:02

[SOLVED] Delete anonymous user?


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