
Login with Facebook (SwiftUI) causing OpenURLAction error

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  • Accounts
  • Apple
26 Jul, 2023, 01:02

I'm trying to use sign in with Facebook. Not having much luck. I've double-triple checked bundle IDs, app IDs, and redirect urls. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong? Hopefully someone can provide some insight 🙏

New users are being created in AppWrite, but this error doesn't seem to go away no matter what I've tried. In addition, I think I may be missing the part where I'm supposed to redirect my users back to my app.

Please forgive me as I am new to SwiftUI (not Swift)

//  AppwriteViewModel.swift
//  FacebookGame
//  Created by Landon Hughes on 7/22/23.

import Foundation
import Appwrite
import AppwriteModels

class AppwriteViewModel {
    let client: Client
    let account: Account
    init() {
        client =  Client()
        account = Account(client)
    func signIntoFacebook() {
        do {
            let success = try account.createOAuth2Session(provider: "facebook", success: "", scopes: ["public_profile", "user_friends", "email"])
            print("SUCCESS: \(String(describing: success))")
        } catch {
            print("Sign in error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
//  ContentView.swift
//  FacebookGame
//  Created by Landon Hughes on 7/22/23.

import SwiftUI
import Appwrite

struct ContentView: View {

    let viewModel = AppwriteViewModel()
    var body: some View {
        Button("Login") {


struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {
The issue is with the OpenURLAction error when using Login with Facebook in SwiftUI. The solution is to make sure that the `AppwriteViewModel` class is an `ObservableObject`. Additionally, the redirect URL should be ``. Another suggestion is to not pass anything for the success parameter in the `account.createOAuth2Session` function.
26 Jul, 2023, 01:03

Don't pass anything for success

26 Jul, 2023, 01:06

Ok. That fixes the issue of bringing the user back into my app. Thank you!

Next issue would be the OpenActionURL error

26 Jul, 2023, 01:14

@Jake Any ideas?

27 Jul, 2023, 01:16
// let viewModel = AppwriteViewModel()
@StateObject var viewModel = AppwriteViewModel()

AppwriteViewModel should be an ObservableObject

class AppwriteViewModel: ObservableObject {
27 Jul, 2023, 01:23


27 Jul, 2023, 01:27

I see, the users register correctly, but then they are not redirected to the application?

27 Jul, 2023, 01:27

They are redirected back to the app.

It's just that darn OpenActionURL swiftui "bug"

27 Jul, 2023, 01:28

Let me check the SDK code 🤔


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