
[SOLVED] Appwrite Migration

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25 Jul, 2023, 20:43

I just upgraded my appwrite version to the latest by following the docs I also just did the migration. I have a collection with around 25m rows, its taking a while now to complete but can anyone give me an insight on how long it can take until the migration completes?

Also my appwrite instance is in a remote server, so I might have to disconnect ssh, is it safe to do a ctrl+c , will the migration keep running in the background?

User is experiencing a MySQL connection restart error during an Appwrite migration that has been running for 5 days. They're unsure if the migration is still progressing or if it keeps restarting. There is no solution provided in the thread.
25 Jul, 2023, 21:10

We can't say. It depends on your server specs. You can try to extrapolate the time.

Ctrl + c will quit the migration so you'd have to run it again. I suggest using tmux to keep the session active (but you can't do that now that you've already started)

25 Jul, 2023, 21:47

okay thank you! this answer is all that i need

25 Jul, 2023, 22:06

[SOLVED] Appwrite Migration

30 Jul, 2023, 21:21

hello again, so i've been running the migration in about 5 days now, in my estimate it should take about 4-5 days to finish since my total documents in my project is around 45m, but i've been getting a [PDO] MySQL Connection Restarted log, is this something i have to be concerned about? i hope the migration is still making progress and not restarting itself over and over

30 Jul, 2023, 21:24

It failed on something but should be continuing

31 Jul, 2023, 17:05

Thanks you, migration finally completed after about > 5days


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