When you actually got the slow requests?
umm, very wired honestly... actually yestarday I reset the phone and when runing the app via Dev mode it happening
I mean via flutter app*
Maybe it was something temporary?
let me try running on diffrent Mobile app
Or a different network
ahh nope, there is no diff in that phone even when switching form Wifi to mobile network same issue
Can you share the code in which you're doing the request?
And the view part?
actually I just tried with Mobile network it works well
umm, for some reason Wifi network it's being slow for certain request and for some request it's faster
Maybe it has to do something with the DNS
it's all nested π because building it actually app
This is <:android:1108648016468000838> Android phone?
Try download and activate this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cloudflare.onedotonedotonedotone
but, I am using same wifi ( ether net) on laptop and working fine
This's Cloudflare app.
mm, btw just only flutter app is working slow and all other app in same network working fine
I see
see, some request take longer and some are quicker
Anything more then 2s you can consider to be slow.
Try to run load test on the endpoint You can use oha https://github.com/hatoo/oha
Like so:
oha "https://api.monofyi.com/v1/databases/64b403562105501ffe56/collections/64b4fabfa6ed7bb23b9b/documents?queries%5B%5D=startsWith%28%22vehicleNumber%22%2C+%5B%22b%22%5D%29" -H "Cookie: a_session_64b0fa7d5450983a87af_legacy=eyJpZCI6IjY0YjRkODRhMmJkNmMzNDFkNGRmIiwic2VjcmV0IjoiMTI1NzBlMjA3YTZlYmRmNDRiYzhlMTNhYTM5M2U0YWUxNzRjODYyYzA3MjgyZDkxNzdkYzE1NjIyOWRkMzIxMWE2ZGZlZGIyMjNmZDEyMjdiNDg2MDM1MzhlZjYzOTMwZWQyOTVhYzJhOGIwMjVkZDVmNGYzMzliNDJjODQxNDk3ZTAxNGQwMTQxNDExZTEyZmYwYmI1MDMxMGNiYWY4NzI5ODgzY2Q1ZGU4ZDUxODIxNTQwZWY5NjYwMWY0M2Q2OTNmNGY1MDhmMmEwNjEwN2ZmOWViOGM2NzgwZjk1ZTVlZWUxOWM5YzNhY2ZkNjhjZGU2NTUyZWYwNDY2NTQzZSJ9;a_session_64b0fa7d5450983a87af=eyJpZCI6IjY0YjRkODRhMmJkNmMzNDFkNGRmIiwic2VjcmV0IjoiMTI1NzBlMjA3YTZlYmRmNDRiYzhlMTNhYTM5M2U0YWUxNzRjODYyYzA3MjgyZDkxNzdkYzE1NjIyOWRkMzIxMWE2ZGZlZGIyMjNmZDEyMjdiNDg2MDM1MzhlZjYzOTMwZWQyOTVhYzJhOGIwMjVkZDVmNGYzMzliNDJjODQxNDk3ZTAxNGQwMTQxNDExZTEyZmYwYmI1MDMxMGNiYWY4NzI5ODgzY2Q1ZGU4ZDUxODIxNTQwZWY5NjYwMWY0M2Q2OTNmNGY1MDhmMmEwNjEwN2ZmOWViOGM2NzgwZjk1ZTVlZWUxOWM5YzNhY2ZkNjhjZGU2NTUyZWYwNDY2NTQzZSJ9" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "x-appwrite-project:64b0fa7d5450983a87af" -z 60s
some even fails
this is cool, I will check this out...
<SOLVED>Request is taking longer to process, between 6-10 second
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