
Container "usage" restarting every couple seconds

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18 Jul, 2023, 11:39

I wasn't upgrading, migrating or anything.. i was changing some proxy settings and env varibles but reverted the changes as soon as i saw that usage was restarting infinitely.

Appwrite doctor states its connected to InfluxDB but the log from usage implies otherwise.

Any suggestions how to fix that.. I reinstalled the dockers and so on but still the same outcome

The user is experiencing an issue where the "usage" container keeps restarting every couple of seconds when a proxy is set up in the config.json file. The user has tried excluding the container through a docker-compose.override.yml file, but it didn't work. The user also tried recreating the container and confirming that the influxdb container is running fine. The issue occurred after making changes to proxy settings and environment variables, but the changes were reverted. The Appwrite doctor confirms the connection to InfluxDB, but the usage container logs suggest otherwise. The user has tried reinstalling the dockers, but the problem persists. No solution is provided
18 Jul, 2023, 12:24

..and influxdb container is up and running and logs are fine too

19 Jul, 2023, 00:11

did you try recreating the container?

19 Jul, 2023, 06:49

jap results in same output

19 Jul, 2023, 07:54

The "usage" container only crashes/restarts when there is a proxy setup in .docker/config.json.. I tried to manually exclude the container with a docker-compose.override.yml but to no prevail

19 Jul, 2023, 16:01


19 Jul, 2023, 16:02

proxy? exclude what?

20 Jul, 2023, 07:37

yes I did recreate the container ( jap = yes.. sorry)

20 Jul, 2023, 07:42

As soon as I set up a proxy in config.json the "usage" container cant connect to influxdb which causes it to restart every couple seconds. Appwrite doctor says that influxdb is connected though.

20 Jul, 2023, 07:45

Is it even possible to use a global proxy?

20 Jul, 2023, 17:07

im not really sure 🧐


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