
Facebook Login problem in appwrite

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18 Jul, 2023, 07:21

When I try to login with facebook in react js using appwrite in that case I will login successfully but I did not render on the home screen.

User is experiencing a Facebook login problem in an app using Appwrite. They tried replacing the scope with openid instead of email and checked the URL, but it didn't solve the problem. They also shared the code for the `handleFacebookLogin` function. The suggestion is to check if there is a misconfiguration between Appwrite and Facebook. No solution has been provided for the problem of not rendering on the home screen after successful login.
18 Jul, 2023, 12:52

Can you share the createOAuth2Session function code?

19 Jul, 2023, 00:14

What's in the URL? Sometimes there's an error message/description in there

19 Jul, 2023, 00:15

also, usually, the problem is something is misconfigured between Appwrite and Facebook

19 Jul, 2023, 12:27

const handleFacebookLogin = (e) => { e.preventDefault();

try {
} catch (error) {
  console.log("Facebook Error", error);


19 Jul, 2023, 12:32

In which URL ? When I click on facebook button it will render on the facebook login then I put the credentials & click on login it says something went wrong I have check the redirect URL & also changing that redirect URL but I have face the same error

19 Jul, 2023, 14:48

The url of the Facebook page with the error. Maybe the URLs of one of the pages during the redirect might have an error message as well

20 Jul, 2023, 04:44{OUR_Appwrite_URL}/v1/account/sessions/oauth2/callback/facebook/64a665b80151f63b223b& scope=email&state={"success":"http:localhost:3000home","failure":"http:localhost:3000login"}&ret=login&fbapp_pres=0&logger_id =fe08f713-e343-4bac-88ce-4ca9fb41f422&tp=unspecified&cbt=1689826929333&ext=1689830550&hash=AebV7yKObpzJ0RvsUgE

I have remove the actual domain

Above URL is the when I put the facebook credentials then it render on this URL & also saying something went wrong

20 Jul, 2023, 05:07

not that helpful 😕

20 Jul, 2023, 05:10

what about the url of this page?

20 Jul, 2023, 05:11

could you try to replace the scope with openid instead of email?


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