
Function execution fails in production

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14 Jul, 2023, 06:59

I have a function that is working in my local environment and in the staging environment as well, but it fails in production. The execution log says

An internal curl error has occurred within the executor! Error Msg: Could not resolve host: 649e989077daded2055a-64b0e9611e85fdaf4658 

but I also checked the appwrite executor logs and I find an error Runtime not found inside

# docker logs appwrite-executor
Warming up Node.js 16.0 environment...
Warming up PHP 8.0 environment...
Warming up Ruby 3.0 environment...
Warming up Python 3.9 environment...
Removing orphan runtimes...
Successfully Warmed up Python 3.9!
Successfully Warmed up PHP 8.0!
Successfully Warmed up Node.js 16.0!
Successfully Warmed up Ruby 3.0!
[Error] Type: Exception
[Error] Message: Runtime not found. Please create the runtime.
[Error] File: /usr/src/code/app/executor.php
[Error] Line: 469
Building container : 649e989077daded2055a-64b0e9611e85fdaf4658
Build Stage completed in 0 seconds
Executing Runtime: 649e989077daded2055a-64b0e9611e85fdaf4658
[Error] Type: Exception
[Error] Message: An internal curl error has occurred within the executor! Error Msg: Could not resolve host: 649e989077daded2055a-64b0e9611e85fdaf4658
[Error] File: /usr/src/code/app/executor.php
[Error] Line: 544
Executing Runtime: 649e989077daded2055a-64b0e9611e85fdaf4658
[Error] Type: Exception
[Error] Message: An internal curl error has occurred within the executor! Error Msg: Could not resolve host: 649e989077daded2055a-64b0e9611e85fdaf4658
[Error] File: /usr/src/code/app/executor.php
[Error] Line: 544

The function uses PHP-8.0 runtime. The env variables for the function are properly set. What am I missing?

Function execution fails in production. The error message states "An internal curl error has occurred within the executor! Error Msg: Could not resolve host: 649e989077daded2055a-64b0e9611e85fdaf4658". The appwrite executor logs show an error "Runtime not found". The function uses PHP-8.0 runtime and the environment variables are properly set. Solution: Check if the required runtime (PHP 8.0) is properly configured and available in the production environment. If not, create the runtime. This should resolve the issue.
14 Jul, 2023, 08:14

After a less complicated search 🙂 i found this and it solved the problem.


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