We are using AppwriteCloud and we have a very simple use case. Users save data in a collection and later on they query this data. Let's say they are creating projects and then I want to show the user his projects.
How would you structure the permissions and the database? One project collection that stores all the documents of all users and then query only the projects of that user? If yes how are you structuring the permissions because I only want users to to query the own created projects.
Permissions are not being structured in the database
You use teams to group permissions
How would you structure those things with teams? In my case I only have single users that create projects
To allow only people seeing their own things, just set when creating the document permissions for the current user
To allow for example a team accessing it, you can use TeamsAPI
Thanks for helping me out! Can you point me to the correct documentation for document permission? I am not familiar with the permissions since and I am not sure how to do this
https://appwrite.io/docs/client/databases?sdk=flutter-default#databasesCreateDocument Quoting from ^,
By default the current user is granted with all permissions. So, if the user is logged in they have all permissions by default. However, if you need other users to have access you need more complex permissions structure. And if you need to group permissions for a set of users you would use teams.
A logged in user calling the List Documents endpoint https://appwrite.io/docs/client/databases?sdk=flutter-default#databasesListDocuments would only see their projects.
You can read more about permissions here: https://appwrite.io/docs/permissions
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