
[SOLVED] Appwrite is using localStorage for session management.

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  • Flutter
  • Web
12 Jul, 2023, 18:51


Appwrite is using localStorage for session management. Increase your security by adding a custom domain as your API endpoint.

why does the above message shows up while my project has a custom domain and I'm using it to navigate to the project? What seems to be a problem?

The user was seeing a warning in the console saying that Appwrite is using localStorage for session management and suggesting to add a custom domain as the API endpoint for increased security. The user had already set up a custom domain (CNAME) but was still seeing the warning. They realized that they were using Chrome while debugging, and since their Appwrite doesn't respond to the hostname "http://localhost:57909/#/", that might be causing the warning to show up. The user was advised to access Appwrite using the custom domain they set up. The issue was solved and the user thanked the support.
12 Jul, 2023, 18:56

Are you accessing Appwrite using that custom domain?

12 Jul, 2023, 18:56

I mean in the endpoint, Not the frontend one

12 Jul, 2023, 19:14
12 Jul, 2023, 19:24

I realized I was using chrome while debugging, and since my appwrite does not respond to a web platform with the hostname http://localhost:57909/#/, so perhaps that's the cause?

12 Jul, 2023, 19:28

Actually I checked chrome's console and the same message gets printed out whenever creating a session

12 Jul, 2023, 19:29

I have already made a custom API endpoint for the project and a custom domain (CNAME) that navigates to it, everything seems to be fine but no idea why the warning shows up

12 Jul, 2023, 19:30

and I'm using the CNAME in the frontend

12 Jul, 2023, 21:18

is your appwrite hostname a subdomain of your app?

14 Jul, 2023, 18:11

I was able to solve it following that. Thank you!

14 Jul, 2023, 19:54

[SOLVED] Appwrite is using localStorage for session management.


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