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9 Jul, 2023, 16:06

I was thinking that if i deleted a file from appwrite storage(the file being a photo), automatically the file preview would no longer be showing the image since it has been deleted from the storage. But as I tried to implement it , the delete function was successful but the photo was sill available on the application. I want to confirm where the issue is coming from .

storage.getFilePreview("BUCKET_ID",fileID) This is the function I used to preview the image, but now I have deleted the file, I am confused as to why I am still seeing the image. Building this project with React. Thank you

Issue: After deleting a file from Appwrite storage, the file preview still appears in the application. Possible Solution: The issue might be due to browser caching. Try clearing your cache and reloading the page to see if the deleted image still appears.
9 Jul, 2023, 18:21

It could be that the image is still cached in the browser. Can clear your cache and check again?

11 Jul, 2023, 07:01

Would that work? I don't think I would want to tell a user to clear their cache if they wanted to delete a photo. From my elements tab in the developer tools, it still shows the source of the image from appwrite cloud storage. But I already deleted it.

11 Jul, 2023, 08:37

The cache gets deleted after some time. That's how browsers work

11 Jul, 2023, 08:38

Also, you should remove from UI side the photo, that way the client knows it has been deleted


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