First I am not sure how to send the JWT to the nitro api, secondly I am not sure how to actually create the client, is it good practice to create it in a middleware? wouldn't that slow everything down?
export default defineEventHandler((event) => {
event.context.appwrite = new sdk.Client()
.setEndpoint('') // Your API Endpoint
.setProject('5df5acd0d48c2') // Your project ID
.setJWT(jwt); // Your secret JSON Web
event.context.account = new sdk.Account(event.context.appwrite);
Best practice would be to have some provider that will hold all of your Appwrite services.
As for nitro, the only way to get JWT is with Appwrite client side js SDK.
Check this to see how to get JWT in server side -
Otherwise you'll need to send the JWT from the client side to backend one each request.
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