
Appwrite Cloud Function Execution 500 error

  • 1
  • Functions
  • Web
  • Cloud
6 Jul, 2023, 11:25

Hi support, I have a project running on Appwrite cloud.

I have a web page using client SDK to create two execution (executionA and executionB) on the same function with different parameters at the same time when the web page is onLoaded.

One of the request will always fail with 500 error and get the response {message: "Server Error", code: 500, type: "general_unknown", version: "0.10.44"}, another request will always succeed with 201 status code. Sometimes executionA failed and sometimes executionB failed, the failure does not always happen on the same execution.

When I go to check the Appwrite cloud console's function execution log, there is only one execution log and cannot find the 500 error one in the list.

Does anyone know what is causing this?

User is experiencing a 500 error when executing a function on Appwrite cloud. Adding a delay between the requests seems to fix the issue. The problem is likely due to a rate limit, and improvements to rate limits are coming soon.
6 Jul, 2023, 11:51

What's your function code?

6 Jul, 2023, 11:51

And what runtime are you using?

6 Jul, 2023, 11:51

Also what's your project ID?

6 Jul, 2023, 12:20


Runtime: node-16.0 Project ID: 642bf770eaeda2f0abc0

Do you mean the source code of the function?

6 Jul, 2023, 16:17

I think you're running into a rate limit problem. We have improvements coming to rate limits soon.

For now, can you add a slight delay between the two?

6 Jul, 2023, 17:02

Ok, I will try to add delay and see if it works.

7 Jul, 2023, 11:14

Thanks for the help, adding delay works and the 500 error is not showing.

7 Jul, 2023, 15:41

how much of a delay did you add?

7 Jul, 2023, 15:42

About 50ms delay

10 Jul, 2023, 07:09

I have faced the same issue. please keep updated the after you us ill improve the rate limit.

10 Jul, 2023, 07:43

If you just add a delay, it should be fine


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