
What kind of queries can be passed to ListFiles endpoint?

  • 1
  • Tools
  • Databases
  • Storage
Abdulramon Jemil
30 Jun, 2023, 22:58

In the document for the ListFiles endpoint, it is mentioned that one "may filter on the following attributes: name, signature, mimeType, sizeOriginal, chunksTotal, chunksUploaded". What exactly does that mean? I assume it mean that one can use any query method that applies to any of those attributes, am I right?

Will something like Query.cursorAfter work with the ListFiles and ListExecutions endpoints?

TL;DR: The ListFiles endpoint can be queried using attributes such as name, signature, mimeType, sizeOriginal, chunksTotal, and chunksUploaded. You can use query methods like equal, greater than, and less than to filter the results. However, using Query.cursorAfter will not work with ListFiles and ListExecutions endpoints. Solution: Create a new post with more details instead of posting in an old thread.
1 Jul, 2023, 13:55

cursorAfter takes a document id so that wouldn't work or make sense.

You can filter on those attributes so filter queries are like equal, greater than, less than, etc.

11 Jul, 2023, 12:29

Is it possible to query file by equal to

11 Jul, 2023, 15:30

please create a separate <#1072905050399191082> post with more details instead of posting in an old thread


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