
Install in App Platform at DigitalOcean

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27 Jun, 2023, 21:55

Since Appwrite is running in a docker container, is it also possible to run it in App Platform instead of a Droplet at DigitalOcean? That way the infrastructure is fully managed. So no/less worrying for me about security because of automatic OS patches and stuff like that.

It seems that the user is asking if it's possible to run Appwrite in App Platform at DigitalOcean instead of a Droplet for better infrastructure management and security. Another user suggests that App Platform is not built for running multiple docker containers like Appwrite. There is no specific solution provided in the thread.
27 Jun, 2023, 22:15

Appwrite is indeed a docker container but not just one, and DigitalOcean App platform is not built for that.

So to my opinion it doesn't seems possible to do it using App platform.

28 Jun, 2023, 09:09

Ah that's too bad. I've now a selfmade expressjs api running in App Platform and I love stuff like the automatic os updates.

28 Jun, 2023, 12:15

Agree, in the future i- if and whrn Appwrite will support k8s - then you'll be able to do so in services ofeers the same just for k8s


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