Hello again! I am trying to use appwrites realtime functionality, I want to have it to where if a user logs in on another device it will realtime kick them out of the first device, I am subscribed on session and when i login i get one realtime event, But when logging in from another device with the same credentials it wont boot the first instance.
I've read the docs on realtime quite abit and cant quite figure out what I'm doing incorrectly
My appwrite instance is setup to limit users to 1 Session
When they are able to login, I create the realtime subscription within the class i have to handle auth client side.
it's listening for a session deleted event in my main function so that i can redirect them as needed without using Providers.
I know when they login i get a print of their subscription subscription: /v1/realtime?project=[ProjectID]channels[Channels]=account
but when i login from the other device (or logout on my current device (even though im deleting the current session)) i don't get another print that a session was deleted.
Things get weird when trying to use realtime with account because the websocket can get disconnected.
I would suggest calling delete session after logging in to log out previous devices.
Gotcha! Is using appwrites user session limit ill-advised when using realtime to listen to the account, and instead i should be handling that when I sign in the user (by deleting old session)?
The session limit seems to prevent new sessions rather than removing old sessions
Also just want to say thank you for your assistance so far Steven! You have been awesome and the time you've been willing to give assistance is greatly appreciated! <a:Prayge2:846611105602338836>
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