
Adding Domain in appwrite console in a VPS with cloudflare

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26 Jun, 2023, 15:35

Okay, what is the output of this

sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN

And this You can attach it as txt

docker ps -a
The user is having trouble adding a domain in the appwrite console on their VPS with Cloudflare. They are seeking instructions on how to do this. There is no solution provided in this support thread.
26 Jun, 2023, 15:36
26 Jun, 2023, 15:36

for docker ps -a

26 Jun, 2023, 15:37


26 Jun, 2023, 15:38

Now in the browser what you see when you access this uri

Replace with the domain the points to that server, using A record.

26 Jun, 2023, 15:39

it redirected to the cloudflare becuase we specified the port right?

26 Jun, 2023, 15:40

What you mean, can you share screenshot

26 Jun, 2023, 15:40

You must specify the port, as you're not using not 80 nor 443 (https)

26 Jun, 2023, 15:41
26 Jun, 2023, 15:45

Cool, You're set to go.

If you don't want to have non-regular ports, you'll have to create a reverse proxy inside you Nginx Check Steven's article on it here:

26 Jun, 2023, 15:47

ohh i get it yeah okay

26 Jun, 2023, 15:47

thanks a lot

26 Jun, 2023, 15:47


27 Jun, 2023, 13:48

sorry to message again but i am getting error when i am using my domain to access appwrite

27 Jun, 2023, 13:48
27 Jun, 2023, 13:49

i have added the exact domain in both

27 Jun, 2023, 13:50

and in nginx i am using proxy_pass to redirect to appwrite

27 Jun, 2023, 13:50

if i use the IP address the console works just fine

27 Jun, 2023, 13:50

Can you share the headers you get back from the request in Network tab.

27 Jun, 2023, 18:49

Did you include the preserve host option in nginx?

30 Jun, 2023, 03:31

i am really sorry for the late replay...... had a lot of work with me but here is the nginx sites-enabled for refernce

30 Jun, 2023, 03:31
30 Jun, 2023, 03:32

how to do that...... please instruct me

30 Jun, 2023, 06:18
30 Jun, 2023, 13:13

About the network tab part, This is what I've meant.


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