
Update attribute size restriction

  • 0
  • Databases
  • Web
24 Jun, 2023, 04:53

I can't update attribute size restriction in the web inerface. Is there any other way. As long as I am in development faze, deleting and recreating is not a problem, but once in production, deleting attribute means deleting data. I hope there's a way to do this?

The user wants to update attribute size restriction in the web interface but is unable to. The recommended approach is to migrate to a new attribute in phases to avoid downtime. Deleting and recreating the attribute in the development phase is not a problem but can result in data loss in production. The user is hoping for an alternative solution.
24 Jun, 2023, 05:23

At the moment, no there is not. Doing this is tricky in production because it may result in locking the table and then your app would result in downtime. The typical recommended approach is to migrate to a new attribute in phases

24 Jun, 2023, 05:25

Thanks Steven. I understand, but I prefer having a downtime than loosing data 🙂

24 Jun, 2023, 05:28

By migrating in phases you mean creating a new attribute and migrating data to it? But that may require massive changes in the app code base. Or did you mean something else?


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