
Document Permissions For Chat App

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  • Web
  • Realtime
22 Jun, 2023, 20:29

If i want any authenticated user to be able to read the document and only the creator to be able to update or delete

  1. What should I set the permissions to on the document
  2. Should I have any permissions on the collection or only on the Document


1) To achieve the desired permissions, you should not set any specific permissions on the document itself. 2) You should set read permissions for any authenticated user at the collection level, and no specific permissions on the document. In summary, grant read permissions for any authenticated user at the collection level, and do not pass any permissions when creating the document.
23 Jun, 2023, 00:02

any authenticated user to be able to read the document

Grant read permissions to users at the collection level

only the creator to be able to update or delete

Enable document security on the collection and then don't pass anything for permissions when the user creates the document

23 Jun, 2023, 00:32

So by default the creator of the document has all Permission to the document by default


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