I'm trying to get Image from my Storage and catch error. How to cast this Object to Image?
String currentAvatarFileId = (String) "6468811491b6bba36063Avatar";
Image currentAccountAvatarImage = (Image) storage.getFilePreview(
new Continuation<Object>() {
public CoroutineContext getContext() {
return EmptyCoroutineContext.INSTANCE;
public void resumeWith(@NotNull Object o) {
try {
if (o instanceof Result.Failure) {
Result.Failure failure =(Result.Failure) o;
throw failure.exception;
} else {
} catch (Throwable th) {
Log.e("ERROR", th.toString());
java.lang.ClassCastException: kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.CoroutineSingletons cannot be cast to android.media.Image
I don't think you can assign it like that. You'd have to assign in the coroutinecallback. Also, I'm pretty sure o would be a byte array so you would need to convert the byte array to image
Thanks. I convert it to byte array and it works correctly!
[SOLVED] Get Image from Storage
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