
[Solved] WebSocket is closed before the connection is established?

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15 Jun, 2023, 02:31

I'm receiving this error when attempting to setup a realtime connection listening for updates to a specific document in my users connection.

My code is as follows:

export async function addUserUpdateListener(auth_id: string, callback: (payload: RealtimeResponseEvent<unknown>) => void) {
  try {
    const userData = await db.listDocuments(
        // @ts-ignore
        q.equal('auth_id', [auth_id])
    if (userData.documents.length > 0) {
      const [user] = userData.documents;
      const {$id: userDocId} = user;
      const event = `${userDocId}.update`;
      return client.subscribe(event, callback);
  catch (e) {

  return null;

And the path it's attempting to open a websocket connection to is: wss://

Note it appears to be amalgamating the two realtime listeners I have, but I assume this is how it's meant to function.

The user is experiencing an error where the WebSocket connection is closing before it is established while trying to setup a realtime connection listening for updates to a specific document. The code provided subscribes to a specific event using the user's document ID, but it seems that the URL for the WebSocket connection is combining multiple realtime listeners. The user's code is written in TypeScript. A possible solution is to subscribe to the channel that includes the "update" event using the specific event format mentioned in the support thread.
15 Jun, 2023, 02:32

It's also worth noting that the other realtime listener I have setup is still working.

15 Jun, 2023, 02:47

Channels are a bit different from events, To subscribe to channel that includes the update event you need to do something like this

const event = `${userDocId}`;
return client.subscribe(event, callback);
15 Jun, 2023, 02:51

Awesome gotcha! Thanks @Binyamin πŸ˜„

15 Jun, 2023, 02:52

[Solved] WebSocket is closed before the connection is established?


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