
[SOLVED] payload while executing function

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13 Jun, 2023, 17:01

How can I pass payload while creating execution of a function from python server and also how to retrieve it in the function to get the process done?

Title: [SOLVED] Passing and retrieving payload in Appwrite Function Messages: [SOLVED] Payload while executing function The issue has been resolved. To pass payload while creating an execution of a function from a Python server, you can send a JSON string and then parse it in your Appwrite Function. In order to retrieve the payload in the function, you can check the `data` parameter in the documentation: [link]( This is the same process as with any other runtime.
13 Jun, 2023, 17:50

same as any other runtime. you have to pass a string, one option is to send a JSON string and then you can parse it in your Appwrite Function

13 Jun, 2023, 19:40

okk, Thank you

13 Jun, 2023, 20:33

Is your issue solved @itsRohit ?

14 Jun, 2023, 04:08

Yes, Its resolved

14 Jun, 2023, 04:26

[SOLVED] payload while executing function


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