
how restrict user to execute function only once or 3 times in a day

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  • Flutter
13 Jun, 2023, 16:03

how restrict user to execute function only once or 3 times in a day.

The user wants to restrict the execution of a function to only once or three times per day. One suggestion is to run the function within itself, but it is deemed too complex. Another suggestion is to grant users permission upon login and remove it after a certain number of executions. The user asks if there are any other ways to achieve this restriction. One possible solution is to create a collection with user IDs and the number of executions. The code can then check if the user has reached their execution limit. Additionally, a CRON function can be created to reset the collection every night at midnight.
13 Jun, 2023, 16:05

You'll need to create some inner-logic for that. For example, you can create a collection with

  • User ID,
  • Number of execution

Then check if the user is reached is limit.

Then any night at midnight you can create a CRON function that will empty the collection, so it's ready for the next day.

13 Jun, 2023, 16:14

any other way.

13 Jun, 2023, 16:18

A more complex one would be to give any user permission upon login And, then remove it after N execution.

13 Jun, 2023, 16:18

But this is to complex for that task.

13 Jun, 2023, 16:19

I think the best way would be to run the function within the function.


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