
[SOLVED] TypeError: teams.updatePrefs is not a function

  • 0
  • Teams
  • Functions
  • Cloud
Alain Iglesias
12 Jun, 2023, 14:54

I'm triggering a function on a teams.*.create event. The functions should update the team's preferences. The issue comes with it says updatePrefs is not a function.

Solution: The issue is that the function `teams.updatePrefs` is not available in the current version being used. To resolve this, the user should update to version 1.3.x using the provided commands. Additionally, it is mentioned that the cloud version is on version 1.1.2, which does not have the `updatePrefs` function.
12 Jun, 2023, 14:55

Is this in the cloud? updatePrefs is a new function which was introduced on version 1.3.x The cloud is on version 1.1.2

Alain Iglesias
12 Jun, 2023, 14:56

oh dear, apologies, not aware of that little detail <:appwritepeepo:902865250427215882> thanks!

Alain Iglesias
12 Jun, 2023, 15:48

Another question, the one click one with Digital Ocean is up-to-date?

12 Jun, 2023, 15:53

I think it's up-to-date wit the first 1.3.0 version

You can check here:

But, you can install the one-click, And then right away run these 4 upgrade commands.

cd /root/

docker run -it --rm \
    --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    --volume "$(pwd)"/appwrite:/usr/src/code/appwrite:rw \
    --entrypoint="install" \

cd /root/appwrite/

docker compose exec appwrite migrate
Alain Iglesias
12 Jun, 2023, 15:54

super cool!

12 Jun, 2023, 16:16

[SOLVED] TypeError: teams.updatePrefs is not a function


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