
[SOLVED] My function runs twice on create file event when it's size is greater than 5mb

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  • Functions
  • Web
  • Storage
  • Cloud
Ajit Singh
6 Jun, 2023, 12:52

def main(req, res): """This function transcribes any audio file that is put into the bucket audio-files""" # Setup of various services client = Client() ( client.set_endpoint(req.variables.get("APPWRITE_FUNCTION_ENDPOINT", None)) .set_project(req.variables.get("APPWRITE_FUNCTION_PROJECT_ID", None)) .set_key(req.variables.get("APPWRITE_FUNCTION_API_KEY", None)) )

storage = Storage(client)

# Get the event data
event_data = json.loads(req.variables.get("APPWRITE_FUNCTION_EVENT_DATA", None))
event_name = req.variables.get("APPWRITE_FUNCTION_EVENT", None)

return res.json(
        "event_name": event_name

I have the following functin it runs twice each time I run it on trigger of an event when a file is created in the bucket. I am uploading via the appwrite cloud console.

Get following as event

in respnse of both {"event_name":"buckets.647b122c985261158060.files.647f2a9b73d3aca5f718.create"} {"event_name":"buckets.647b122c985261158060.files.647f2a9b73d3aca5f718.create"}

This happens when the file is more that 5mb

The user is experiencing an issue where their function runs twice on the event of creating a file that is more than 5mb in size. They are looking for a workaround to track the progress of the file upload. A suggested solution is to check if the number of uploaded chunks is equal to the total number of chunks in the event_data object. Additionally, they can tap into the onProgress method in the client SDK to track the upload progress. There is a discussion about whether this behavior is a bug or expected. The user is provided with example code and links to relevant documentation. No resolution to the duplicate function execution is provided in the thread
6 Jun, 2023, 13:28


6 Jun, 2023, 13:28

This happens when the file is more that 5mb

Make sense now.

6 Jun, 2023, 13:29

Because when the file is more then 5MB the upload will dived to 5MB chunks

Ajit Singh
6 Jun, 2023, 13:30

But I uploaded 1 file the event should not be fired twice

Ajit Singh
6 Jun, 2023, 13:30

Is it a bug

6 Jun, 2023, 13:30

Mmm, could be But maybe pepole like to track the upload progress..

6 Jun, 2023, 13:31

For now what you can do is to check the chunkTotal and chunkUploaded in the event_data object to know if the upload has finished

6 Jun, 2023, 13:31
Ajit Singh
6 Jun, 2023, 13:35

Is there any other way to track progress of the upload

6 Jun, 2023, 13:37

Within functions? I don't think so

Ajit Singh
6 Jun, 2023, 13:58

In client sdk

6 Jun, 2023, 14:18

You can tap into the onProgress method

Like so:

storage.createFile('[BUCKET_ID]', '[FILE_ID]', document.getElementById('uploader').files[0], null, (prg)=>{
Ajit Singh
6 Jun, 2023, 14:20

thanks for your effort

Ajit Singh
6 Jun, 2023, 14:21

I will write a workaround for the evebts problem.

Ajit Singh
6 Jun, 2023, 14:22

My function runs twice on create file event when it's size is greater than 5mb

Ajit Singh
6 Jun, 2023, 14:27

but just for future if there is separate way of progress tracking. Shouldn't create fire a single event on file creation of more than 5mb

6 Jun, 2023, 14:34

I don't think so, No.

6 Jun, 2023, 15:24

Here's the related issue. feel free to 👍🏼

For now, you can check if chunks uploaded == chunks total in your function

Ajit Singh
7 Jun, 2023, 02:45

Thanks steven

22 Jun, 2023, 09:35

were you able to write a workaround for tracking the upload progress?

22 Jun, 2023, 09:36

I am working on a project and i need to track the progress of the file upload

22 Jun, 2023, 16:55

Please create a new <#1072905050399191082> post rather than posting in an old thread

22 Jun, 2023, 16:55

[SOLVED] My function runs twice on create file event when it's size is greater than 5mb


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