
Rate limit for cloud

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28 May, 2023, 19:56

I am using appwrite cloud for developement and I have exceed the rate limit which is just 10 for an hour for authentication? Is there any way to overcome this. Atleast for dev purpose there should be a option to disable rate limit ig.

There is a rate limit of 10 requests per hour for authentication on Appwrite cloud. The best workaround would be to run a local Appwrite with a version matching the cloud version. You can use the command `docker run -it --rm --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --volume "$(pwd)"/appwrite:/usr/src/code/appwrite:rw --entrypoint="install" appwrite/appwrite:1.1.2` to install the local version. The installation methods are also available here: [link]. However, it seems you won't be able to change the rate limit on the cloud
28 May, 2023, 19:57

I think you won't be able to change that on the cloud,

28 May, 2023, 19:58

The best workaround would be running a local Appwrite with version that match cloud version, as such:

docker run -it --rm \
    --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    --volume "$(pwd)"/appwrite:/usr/src/code/appwrite:rw \
    --entrypoint="install" \

You can see other installation methods here

Just be sure to replace the version number 1.3.4 with 1.1.2

28 May, 2023, 19:58

sure, thanks


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