
JWT secrets

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27 May, 2023, 09:49

Where can I find the secret to verify a JWT token ?

The user is asking where they can find the secret to verify a JWT token. Another user suggests using SSR (Server-Side Rendering) and provides a link to the Remix SSR library. However, the user believes that it would have been useful to mix several backends. Another user suggests accessing secret fields on the session table in MariaDB by providing a JSON example. However, it is mentioned that you cannot access the secret via API as Appwrite validates JWT on its own.
27 May, 2023, 10:12

Thinks that you can't via API, appwrite validate JWT on his own

27 May, 2023, 10:13

If you can access MariaDB, you can access secret fields on session table, like

    "data": "cI3VEjVgLn4X9fTZ9fqQtHuSLZkV6UrtEuxoA8AMS/8Q4LesSJistkag8fjYwtRXGhDnCUSgMj+SbkoyYJXq1g==",
    "method": "aes-128-gcm",
    "iv": "ddc5a356a6f7fcc67566db4c",
    "tag": "17d14e16609d19c82d591413109ab076",
    "version": "1"
27 May, 2023, 10:45

Ok, thanks. What a pity this could have been very useful to mix several backend.

27 May, 2023, 10:55

You can use SSR perhaps ? Core team maintain :


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