No, my appwrite.json is same than before
I've tried entering collections and attributes from the console, without success after appwrite init collection
Try init collection again but please share the screenshot right before you press enter
from cli or console ?
From console
appwrite databases createCollection --databaseId development --collectionId test --name test
should works no ?
From cli
This should create the collection but it won't update the appwrite.json
JSON update is done with init
Yes. I mean after it asks you from which database and before you press enter
...... I feel stupid 😄
I didn't check the database...
"projectId": "new",
"projectName": "new",
"databases": [
"$id": "development",
"name": "development",
"$createdAt": "2023-05-27T02:35:38.971+00:00",
"$updatedAt": "2023-05-27T02:35:38.971+00:00"
"collections": [
"$id": "admins",
"$permissions": [],
"databaseId": "development",
"name": "admins",
"enabled": true,
"documentSecurity": false,
"attributes": [],
"indexes": []
Now it's ok
In the documentation, it is recommended to do everything from the cli, to avoid side effects. If I make changes in the console and then run init, should I be okay, or is that not recommended?
[SOLVED] Appwrite.json auto filled ?
Ya that could be okay
In any case, thank you Steven, sorry for the lost time <:appwritepeepo:902865250427215882>
No worries
Suggestion: Add a warning message when using init without selection?
@Steven What are the recommendations for using multiple prefs.json files? One for local, one for stagging, one for production
Ya I do something like that
- Rename prefs.json
- Launch appwrite login
That's all ? Ty for script
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