

  • 0
  • Functions
25 May, 2023, 14:50

hi, I used python to write function. I tested basic code, everything is okay. build completed. But, when I use 'from appwrite.client import Client' , I see Internal Runtime error. on Appwrite panel. What is the problem?

The user is having trouble using the 'appwrite' package in their Python project. When they try to import 'Client' from 'appwrite.client', they encounter an internal runtime error. They are asking for assistance with resolving this issue. Solution: It is recommended to check if the 'appwrite' package is added as a dependency to the function.
25 May, 2023, 17:08

could you share the code you're using in the function?

25 May, 2023, 18:42

@safwan sure

25 May, 2023, 18:42

import random from appwrite.client import Client

def main(req, res): payload = req.payload or 'No payload provided. Add custom data when executing function.'

secretKey = req.variables.get(
    'SECRET_KEY variable not found. You can set it in Function settings.'

randomNumber = random.random()
return res.json({
    'message': 'Hello from Appwrite!',
    'payload': payload,
    'secretKey': secretKey,
    'randomNumber': randomNumber
25 May, 2023, 18:42

When I add 'from appwrite.client import Client', it will be problem

25 May, 2023, 20:32

did you add the appwrite package as a dependency to your function?


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