this is the endpoint that takes the auth code, requests an access token, and then creates an appwrite session:
did you get a chance to try it out? 🧐
not yet, will find some time though my php skills are not the greatest 😄
Oh I was just suggesting to use the API, not write any php code
oh, how dumb of me, lol
[SOLVED] Device authorization flow (social auth)
did more research and managed an attempt to test the request but
it says the provider is not enabled 🤔
am i missing something?
how did you make the request?
Either the OAuth2 provider in Appwrite isn't enabled or the project ID is incorrect
i ... found the issue
the github link is to the wrong function 😂
the request you linked had no projectId param
the above has it
was my bad there 😂
oh, sorry. you can send it as a query string like the one you linked does
yes it works, i just assumed there was no need for projectid (dumb of me)
it works as in you can exchange the device token for an appwrite oauth2 session?
haven't got to test with actual session only mockup
ah okay
im a bit squeezed between deadlines so i can only put like 5-10 mins
Ugh....I couldn't get Google sign in to return an id token, but as I was testing, I noticed a serverAuthCode property. Maybe that can be passed to Appwrite to create the oauth2 session 🧐
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