Hello. I am having issue with the dates in appwrite. For some reason, the date are printing out one day before the current day.
Here is code:
const today = new Date();
const formattedToday = today.toDateString().slice(4); // Format the date as "MM-DD-YYYY"
const todayPosts = entries.documents
.filter((post) => {
const postDate = new Date(post.LaunchDate);
const formattedPostDate = postDate.toDateString().slice(4); // Format the date as "MM-DD-YYYY"
console.log('Formatted: ' +formattedPostDate);
return formattedPostDate === formattedToday; // Filter posts with matching formatted date
.sort((a, b) => b.Upvotes.length - a.Upvotes.length);
const posts = entries.documents.sort(
// sort the posts based on the number of upvotes
(a, b) => b.Upvotes.length - a.Upvotes.length
The date you're receiving are UTC
I want to create somth like how product hunt has
like how they show the current products of the day
So you can add the hours (or subtract) to match your timezone
Ohh cool
but unsure how
When searching you should also match the timezone to UTC
like this?
const today = new Date();
const formattedToday = today.toISOString().slice(0, 10); // Format the date as "YYYY-MM-DD"
const todayPosts = entries.documents
.filter((post) => {
const postDate = new Date(post.LaunchDate);
const formattedPostDate = postDate.toISOString().slice(0, 10); // Format the date as "YYYY-MM-DD"
return formattedPostDate === formattedToday; // Filter posts with matching formatted date
.sort((a, b) => b.Upvotes.length - a.Upvotes.length);
const posts = entries.documents.sort(
// sort the posts based on the number of upvotes
(a, b) => b.Upvotes.length - a.Upvotes.length
Are you using Appwrite database?
The post.launchdate
It's from appwrite
Is this against the cloud?
Or latest Appwrite version?
Is it self-hosted or Appwrite cloud?
I'm using appwrite cloud
So for example if you have collection named votes, and you want to get all of those in the current day you can do this:
const start = new Date();
const end = new Date();
const docs = await documents.listDocuments('db_id','c_id',[
} catch (e) {
// Mmm something went wrong,
This will return all documents where LaunchDate
match this dates.
In the self-hosted version 1.3.x
+ you can use a shorthand of Query.between
You read about it here: https://dev.to/appwrite/join-celebrations-appwrite-13-ships-relationships-57fc
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