
Restarting interrupted upload

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  • Self Hosted
  • Cloud
17 May, 2023, 16:44

A request to CreateFile endpoint with 12 MB file was interrupted. (12 MB cause it involves 3 requests with 5MB limit). I assumed to code at to mean it supported resuming an upload. Using

from appwrite.client import Client
from appwrite.input_file import InputFile
from import Storage

client = Client()

  .set_endpoint('') # Your API Endpoint
  .set_project('testsdk') # Your project ID
  .set_key('api_key') # Your secret API key

storage = Storage(client)

result = storage.create_file(

gives me an xml error:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><Error><Code>NoSuchUpload</Code><BucketName>cloud-fra1-prd-storage-2</BucketName><RequestId>tx0000000000000191d7e7a-0064650242-9655fb53-fra1b</RequestId><HostId>9655fb53-fra1b-fra1-zg02</HostId></Error>

Is this supported? I am using network logs from appwrite console to get file ID. I am using the cloud version of appwrite.

There is an issue with resuming interrupted uploads in Appwrite. The user tried to use the Python SDK but encountered an XML error. It seems that resuming uploads is not supported. The suggestion is to create a feature request on the Appwrite repository. No solution is provided in the thread.
17 May, 2023, 19:16

Interesting...i guess it's not supported. it might be good to create a feature request.

17 May, 2023, 19:18

On the appwrite repo or the sdk-generator repo? To me looks like a lack of support on appwrite itself rather than python SDK

17 May, 2023, 19:19

best to create it on the appwrite repo


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