
Error: converting object to an encodable object failed: instance of DateTime

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  • Flutter
youngmarc#5963 |
10 May, 2023, 14:22

hello guys can someone help me out. i keep getting this error trying to update a database in flutter: 'converting object to an encodable object failed: instance of DateTime'. i am using the appwrite cloud.

The user is encountering an error when trying to update a database in Flutter using the Appwrite cloud. The error message states "converting object to an encodable object failed: instance of DateTime". The user has tried using the http package and the Appwrite SDK but is still experiencing slow download times. Another user suggests converting DateTime variables to milliseconds and saving them as integer attributes in Appwrite as a workaround. No solution is provided for the error message.
10 May, 2023, 17:49

It would help if you shared more detail like your code, the exact error, and your data

youngmarc#5963 |
11 May, 2023, 06:29

Thanks, i have been able to find a work around by turning my DateTime variables into milliseconds and saving them as integer attribute on appwrite .

11 May, 2023, 06:33

Your problem was probably a dart problem since you can't jsonEncode() some types like DateTime. If you have a date time attribute in appwrite, you would convert it by calling d.toUtc().toIso8601String() or something like that

youngmarc#5963 |
28 May, 2023, 02:01

tried that, didn't work.

28 May, 2023, 02:16

So what's the problem now?

youngmarc#5963 |
28 May, 2023, 02:20

the problem now: i am using the http package in flutter to get video files from appwrite cloud storage, but the wait time is too long compared to when i use firebase. is there something i need to do?. here is what my function looks like

youngmarc#5963 |
28 May, 2023, 02:21

` Future<void> _initializeVideo() async { debugPrint('----->STARTING VIDEO INITIALIZER'); final String videoFileName = getAppwriteFileName(widget.videoUrl); final String cachePath = await getCachePath(); final File videoFile = File('$cachePath/$videoFileName');

try {
  if (videoFile.existsSync()) {
    debugPrint('----->VIDEO ALREADY EXISTS');
    _controller = VideoPlayerController.file(videoFile);
  } else {
    debugPrint('----->DOWNLOADING VIDEO');
    var headers = {
      "Content-Type": "video/mp4",
      "X-Appwrite-Project": "my project id",
          "my api key"
    final http.Response response =
        await http.get(Uri.parse(widget.videoUrl), headers: headers);
    await videoFile.create(recursive: true);
    await videoFile.writeAsBytes(response.bodyBytes);
    debugPrint('----->SETTING CONTROLLER TO FILE');
    debugPrint('-----> ${videoFile.absolute}');
    _controller = VideoPlayerController.file(videoFile);

  _initializeVideoFuture = _controller.initialize().then((value) {
    debugPrint('----->INITIALIZING VIDEO');
    setState(() {
      isLandscape = isLandscapeVideo();
      isready = true;
} catch (error) {
  debugPrint('----->Error initializing video: $error');
  // Handle the error, e.g., display an error message to the user


28 May, 2023, 04:26

This isn't in your flutter app is it?

28 May, 2023, 04:26

Why are you using http package for this?

youngmarc#5963 |
29 May, 2023, 13:23

i was trying to make it a progressive download and playback that's why i was using the http package. but i failed and i am now using the appwrite sdk function storage.getFileDownload but its still as slow as using the http package 👀

youngmarc#5963 |
29 May, 2023, 13:24

do you know how i can implement progressive video download and playback in flutter?

29 May, 2023, 14:58

You can try to put the URL into your player.

There are a couple of factors at play here.

  1. There could be network latency due to where the cloud server is in relation to where you are.
  2. If you try to download the entire file and then load that into your player, the user has to wait for the full download. If you put the URL into the player, the player will request chunks of the file and then start playing when some chunks are available while still downloading the rest.

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