
Restrict Database read with permission ``Any`` from REST calls from Any Client to specific Clients .

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10 May, 2023, 06:15

So I have a database Username it has the permissions as json "$permissions": [ "read(\"any\")", "update(\"user:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\")" ],. I have done a GET REST request from postman , return the data how can I restrict this and only allow specific Client to respond

The user wants to know how to restrict the database read with the permission "Any" from REST calls to only specific clients. They have a database with the given permissions and have successfully made a GET request from Postman. They are seeking guidance on how to limit access to only certain clients.
10 May, 2023, 08:10

what exactly do you mean by

how can I restrict this and only allow specific Client to respond do you want to restrict accepting of requests to - for example - only a web browser?

10 May, 2023, 13:25

We add platforms in Appwrite like flutter android etc if i dont add the current app bundle it will thow error as platform is not added but not in case of postman the requiest goes though


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