AppwriteException: general_unknown, Server Error (500) is shown instead of specified error
- 0
- Databases
- Flutter
steps to reproduce :
- create 2 collections, host and target.
- in host collection, add a
one to one
ormany to one
relationship to target collection with attribute nametarget_document
. - create a document in target with an ID = "12345"
- using dart SDK , create a host document
and it the data, give the target document ID (of relationship) as integer instead of a string.
data = {
"target_document" : 12345,
in the appwrite logs, its pointing out the correct error as in image below:
Message: Invalid relationship value. Must be either a document, document ID, or an array of documents or document IDs.
but in the dart SDK , its throwing general_unknown(500) error. which is very hard to identify and debug. in SDK it should show correct error that "given relationship ID in invalid" or something like that.
Sounds like you know the solution to this already. It's best to create a GitHub issue for changes to Appwrite
this is just a made up case to demonstrate the some exceptions given by the SDK is vague (Server Error (500) ) instead of specific. so its hard to debug without using appwrite log.
i wish to get more specific exceptions in the SDk (dart).