
how to do `OR` with full text search ?

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  • Databases
steve jobs
6 May, 2023, 19:48

how to do OR on"title", "key words") ?? i want to search if a String attribute contain "word1" or "word2" .

if it was Query.equal("title", ["Iron Man","Super man"]) i could have used a List. but for full text search ,i cant use list. so how to do a get all documents in which the 'title' contains 'word2' or 'word2' Query ?? do i have to do seperate query for each words and then combine the results ?

The user is asking how to perform an 'OR' operation with full text search using the method in MariaDB. They want to search for documents where the 'title' attribute contains either "word1" or "word2". Since a list can't be used with full text search, they are asking if they need to do separate queries for each word and then combine the results. Solution: In this case, you can achieve the desired result by using the 'MATCH' operator in the full text search query. Modify the search query to "word1 OR word2" to search for documents with 'title' containing either
6 May, 2023, 19:51

So search uses mariadb's full text search. As such, you can pass space separated keywords for the search value.



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