
How to reset password without using SMTP.

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new user
30 Apr, 2023, 21:59

How can reset password without using SMTP service , currently i am using appwrite login.

The user wants to know how to reset a password without using SMTP. They mention using EmailJS API to generate an OTP and verify the account. Another user suggests implementing password recovery manually or using oauth. It is mentioned that Appwrite's password reset cannot be used. The user is unsure about how to verify if the user owns the account. It is asked if this is needed for production or just testing. The question is asked if it is possible to reset the password without using SMTP service while using Appwrite login. There is no solution provided in the thread.
new user
30 Apr, 2023, 22:05

is this is possible?

30 Apr, 2023, 22:09

Do you actually need a production solution for end users?

new user
30 Apr, 2023, 22:11

did not understand, what do you mean by end users

30 Apr, 2023, 22:16

Do you need this in production or are you just testing?

How do you expect a user to verify they own the account?

new user
30 Apr, 2023, 22:21

right now for testing but in future will use for production, actually i am also thinking how will user verify not sure yet, that is why i asked is it possible without using smtp service. because just seen Update password method in document.

new user
30 Apr, 2023, 22:44

is my answer is confusing ?

30 Apr, 2023, 22:49

You need SMTP or you need to implement password recovery manually using functions

new user
30 Apr, 2023, 22:51

it means without smtp its not possible to reset password nor from appwrite side. or have to use oAuth service for forget password, right ?

30 Apr, 2023, 23:03

Correct, you wouldn't be able to use Appwrite's password reset.

If you're using oauth, the password is in the auth provider and it depends on the auth providers password reset flow

Samuel Kings
1 May, 2023, 00:00

I once did something like this by using EmailJS API. I created an OTP generator cloud function that sends an OTP to a user's email upon registration and stored the OTP temporarily. When the user enters the OTP sent, another cloud function verifies the account. It took me about an hour and hafl. Lol


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